razorhead society

Preserve. Promote. Protect.

The Razorhead Society was formed in 2023 to create a pathway for Pope & Young members who were looking for an opportunity to contribute to the club’s Mission beyond their regular annual membership. Current Fred Bear Society members who continue making cash donations to advance to the next benefactor level are also eligible for Razorhead Society recognition.

The Razor Society has four benefactor levels enabling tax-deductible, donor-directed gifts be made in annual installments (5-years) or in a lump sum. If installment, Member would be recognized at appropriate level after making the first cash installment payment. Donations can be made to Pope & Young’s Endowment Fund, Conservation Fund or Area of Greatest Need to fund specific programs and initiatives. Razorhead Society members will be recognized with a stunning lapel razorhead pin indicating their benefactor level. Members may also “upgrade” their benefactor levels within the society as well as to the premier Fred Bear Society. A member’s Razorhead Society donation does track towards the Fred Bear Society.

Gold- $10,000 ($2,000/year installment)
Silver - $5,000 ($1,000/year installment)
Bronze - $2,500 ($500/year installment)
Copper - $1,000 ($200/year installment)