Download Registration Form
Current Member - Fees Waived
Non-Member - $45 Membership Dues Fee
*Note that at least one member of your family must be or become a member.
Full Convention Package
Full Convention Pass with Steak Option $730
Full Convention Pass with Chicken Option $635
Full Convention Kids Pass (12 and Under) $320
Full Convention Ladies Pass with Steak Option and Ladies Luncheon $720
Full Convention Ladies Pass with Chicken Option and Ladies Luncheon $620
Register Now
A La Carte Options
Welcome Back Reception $95
Measurers Breakfast (Free to OM's- Guests $75)
Thursday Banquet Dinner $130
Children's Banquet Dinner (12 and Under) $50
Friday Backyard Lunch Buffet $100
Children's Banquet Dinner (12 and Under) $50
Ladies Luncheon $85
Friday Banquet - Steak Option $165
Friday Banquet - Chicken Option $135
Children's Friday Banquet Dinner (12 and Under) $50
Lifetime Members Breakfast $75
Saturday Luncheon $90 Children's Saturday Luncheon (12 and Under) $50
Saturday Big Game Awards Banquet - Combo Option $195
Saturday Big Game Awards Banquet - Chicken Option $135
Children's Saturday Big Game Awards Banquet Dinner (12 and Under) $50
Day Pass Options
4 Day - Family (2 adults + kids) $50
4 Day - Adult $40
4 Day - Child $10
3 Day - Family (2 adults + kids) $45
3 Day - Adult $35
3 Day - Child $10
2 Day - Family (2 adults + kids) $40
2 Day - Adult $30
2 Day - Child $10
1 Day - Family (2 adults + kids) $35
Register Now
Pope & Young Club 34th Biennial Convention
April 9-12, 2025 @ Glendale Renaissance - Glendale, AZ
Save the Date. You won't want to miss this one!
CELEBRATE bowhunting’s past, present and future
- NETWORK with fellow bowhunters
- LEARN and PLAN future hunting experiences
- ENJOY the camaraderie
Now's the time to put the dates on your calendar and start making plans for the 34th Biennium Convention in Glendale, AZ.
The upcoming 2025 Convention will be held on April 9-12 , 2025 at the Glendale Renaissance Hotel & Spa and will be bigger and better than ever.
EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION: Register by March 9 to be entered into a drawing to WIN ONE OF TWO GEAR PACKAGGES from Kings Camo.
There are four ways to register:
Click HERE to download the 2025 Convention Registration Form.
We will kick it all off Wednesday with our Welcome Ceremonies and PYnight and conclude with the Big Game Awards Gala on Saturday night.
Registration Options:
Full Convention Package -
This option provides you with daily admission into the Big Game Display, Seminars, Workshops, Vendor/Outfitter Area, Saturday Live Auction. You also receive tickets for the following meals:
- Wednesday Welcome Reception/PYnt Night
- Thursday Banquet
- Friday Luncheon or Ladies Luncheon
- Friday Recognition Banquet
- Saturday Luncheon
- Saturday Big Game Animal Awards Gala
A La Carte -
Customize your Convention Experience by picking what you wish to attend. You must purchase either a 4-Day, 3-Day, 2-Day or 1-Day pass to enter the Convention. Each pass will give you access to the Big Game Display, Seminars, Workshops, Vendor/Outfitter Area. Passes do not include any meal tickets or off-site tours.
VIP Reserved Tables
VIP seating is a table reservation only. With this table reservation, you will receive preferred seating and bucket raffle tickets. You are still REQUIRED to purchase Convention Passes and individual meal tickets. You are responsible to fill all 10 seats. Contact Edna Harlan at Pope and Young to reserve your table. Phone - 507-867-4144 or email at These tables are limited.
Tickets for off-site tours and activities will be available for purchase separately. Full convention pass or individual passes are required for all events. On-site registration will also be available during the Convention. Prices are subject to change.
Reserve a VIP Table
If you would like to guarantee a good seat, VIP tables will be available soon for $1,000 per table (Thursday/Friday/Saturday Banquets). With this table you will receive preferred seating and Bucket Raffle tickets. This is a table reservation only. You and your guests are required to purchase your Full Convention or Convention Pass and individual meal tickets. If you would like to purchase a table, please call Edna Harlan at 507-867-4144.
The Glendale Renaissance in Glendale, AZ, will be the site for the Pope & Young Club's 34th Biennium Convention and Awards Banquet.
A special Convention rate of $199 (standard room) will be available. Guests will be responsible for all charges.
Follow the steps below to reserve your room:
- Phone Reservations: Coming Soon
Are you looking for some additional fun at Convention? If you answered yes, you need to join in. Choose one or place an entry in all. Contests include: Photo, Knife Making and Arrow Making. You do not need to be a "professional" photographer or craftsman to participate. You do not need to be present to win and all are welcome.
Entries will become the property of Pope & Young and will be used to raise funds for Pope & Young's Three Pillars of Conservation (Preserve, Promote, and Protect).
- Photo Contest - Categories include: Wildlife (color), Bowhunting (color), Black & White, Trophy Photo (Only animals taken with a bow as defined by Pope & Young will be accepted), Youth Photographer, Youth (pic of kid(s) in the outdoors), and Trail Cam Photos. Photo(s) must be 8 x 10 mounted foam core. On the back of each photo, have your name and address along with the category for submission. If a photo is for multiple categories, there must be one for each category. Entries can be dropped off on-site at the Registration Desk. If shipping is needed, please contact Edna Harlan at 507-867-4144 to make arrangements.
- Knife Contest - Custom Hunting Knife. All materials welcome (with the exception of illegal components).
- Arrow Contest - Entrants must submit a set of 6 arrows. All materials welcome (with the exception of illegal components).
To participate, download the form HERE. Send completed form with submission or let us know you will be bringing to the Convention with you. Also, please feel free to provide any additional information you would like us to know about the submission.
Entries can be dropped off on-site at the Registration Desk. If shipping is needed, please contact Edna Harlan at 507-867-4144 to make arrangements. Good Luck!!!