Pope and Young Invites You to Join John Dudley and Others in Reno

Pope and Young’s 33rd Biennial Convention to Feature Long List of Industry and Bowhunting Experts

By Dylan Ray - January 24, 2023

Pope and Young Invites You to Join 
John Dudley and Others in Reno
Pope and Young’s 33rd Biennial Convention to Feature Long List of Industry and Bowhunting Experts 

January 24, 2023 - Pope and Young, America’s leading bowhunting conservation organization, is excited to announce their all-star lineup of guests and speakers for the 33rd Biennial Convention taking place in Reno, Nevada, April 12-15, 2023. The Pope and Young Convention has always been a place to come and meet with some of the best bowhunters on the planet, and this year is no exception.

Friday’s Keynote speaker will be none-other than lifetime Pope and Young Member, John Dudley. Pope and Young is excited have John in attendance and is anxious to announce some big things that will be taking place in partnership with John Dudley in the upcoming year. 

With a large selection of seminars, coming from some of the most accomplished bowhunters, there is something for bowhunters of all levels. This year’s lineup includes Remi Warren, Matt Rinella, Allen Bolen, Anders Gejer, CJ Winand, Dennis Dunn, Frank Noska, Bob Ameen, Brendan Burns, John Barklow, and many more. 

There will also be some very informational seminars from some great companies such as Sitka, Kuiu, FeraDyne, and Bakcou E-Bikes, to help educate and outfit new and experienced hunters alike. The lineup doesn’t end there. You will not want to miss out on this year’s luncheon speakers which include Easton Holder, from Raised Hunting and Curt Wells from Bowhunter TV and Magazine.

No matter what session you are looking to jump in on, you will not be disappointed with anyone from this lineup! 

Plan to join Pope and Young on April 12-15 in Reno and share hunting stories with fellow hunters including John Dudley, Chuck Adams, Tom Nelson, Tom Miranda, and many more.

For more information or to register now, please visit, https://pope-young.org/33rd-Biennial-Convention.

About Pope and Young:
Pope and Young is North America's leading bowhunting conservation organization. If you are a fair chase, ethical bowhunter, and you care about preserving the culture and future of bowhunting, then you belong to the Pope and Young. Join today at 

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